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Another Goodbye

Another day and another goodbye, the end of one thing, the end of a year and the beginning of something new and wonderful. I am sure you are all going to get very tired of my voice πŸ™‚ Michael

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the day that we meet. It seems like it was a long time coming and yet at the same time it seems like it was only moments ago you sent me a DM and we started talking. Now, as I write this there are thirteen hours left until we meet in person. We have shared many things about ourselves and not just fun, sexy stuff. But our views… Read More »Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Daddy Loves You for Open Secret

open secret

I suppose that this doesn’t really qualify as a secret, but I am going to say that maybe not everyone knows this so it is going to count. I learned that I had a kink that I was unaware of. In retrospect I suppose I should have realized it sooner. I have known for a while that I was a Dom, but what came as a surprise is that I… Read More »open secret