
Six Days and Seven Nights

Six Days, Seven NIghts

We will be together again soon. We will be able to touch, and laugh and yes, fuck and be kinky. Maybe even do some things that you might find deeply perverse. To affirm what we are to each other.

These are difficult times and LDR is hard during the best of times. But we have worked hard in spite these things and in spite of my mistakes. She has been an amazing girlfriend and I have worked hard to be the best boyfriend that I can be. Together we have weathered all the vicissitudes that life has thrown our way. With continued hard work we will keep what we have made together going.

This coming week together will charge our batteries, storing up what we miss being so far apart. It will give us both a chance to set aside our local lives and celebrate each other. We will do things we have done before. We will do things we have never done before. We will explore and learn and love and be just us for a few precious days and nights.

I know that when it is time to go there will be sadness. There always is. But there will be new memories and a renewed connection that will sustain us both whatever life brings when we depart. I count myself extremely fortunate to have her in my life and I hope she feels fortunate to have me in hers.

I hope that all of you have something that sustains you in your life as this sustains me.

I hope you have your own version of six days and seven nights.


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