
What Makes Her A Good Girl

Available What Makes Her A Good Girl

A good girl is always available.

Why of course, why wouldn’t she be? She is a good girl after all. Always ready to serve and please whenever the whim should take me. Waiting by the doors on her knees, naked, mouth open just in case I need to use her right then and there.

Dinner waiting and ready. The house clean and spotless. Why I never have to guve a single thought to her needs, or how her day was. It is all just for me.

Or not.

We had a message exchange the other day along those lines and I will tell you what I told her then. No, that is not what I want. I want a fully fledged and complete person with their own sense of self and goals. I do not want a blank slate that is merely a projection of my desires. I want an equal who needs to submit. But not every minute of the day. There is a life to live that includes d/s without it being solely d/s.

Yes I want the dynamic to be there all of the time. But not to the exclusion of all else. That is to one dimensional and leaves no room for growth our learning.

I want her when she is bratty and feisty and fiery. I want her to challenge my opinions and ideas. I ever want her to fight me sometimes. Because that is how we learn each other and find the path that makes us both happy. I need the challenge or what chance of adventure is there?

I am sure that there will be times when we engage with that part of our d/s when I will use her as I see fit. We both need that. But to try to say that she isn’t a good girl if she isn’t always available seems to ignore that there are lots of times in life where that just isn’t practical. And in my opinion it wouldn’t be healthy for either of us.

So why we are always d/s (in my opinion) we are not always practicing d/s. We have lives that sometimes mean setting the practice of d/s aside and even (gasp) places where d/s does not belong. I want her be all that she can be. To have desires and dream that I can help her achieve both as her partner and dom.

I do expect her to be available. I expect that her heart and mind and wit and everything else that she is is available to me. Just as I am available with all the same things for her. That is what makes her a good girl.


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